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Special Tartan jerseys celebrate Hogmanay

Photo: Al Goold

With two games happening on Hogmanay, it felt like time to add a Tartan feel to the game officials' jerseys for the special occasion.

The special jerseys were designed by 20-year-old Erica Wyse from Burntisland, Fife. Before the Flyers' game in Glasgow on 31 December, she had a special presentation with the game officials wearing her design - and, as a surprise, was presented with a jersey of her own.

"Trying to represent Scottish Hogmanay was the main goal for the jersey so I started to look at different ways I could use the tartan to best effect but still be able to keep the referee emblems dominant," explained Erica.

"I initially had three different concepts, but the one the officials like the most was the 'plaid' concept. This is like a sash that is traditionally worn with a kilt, which many typically do on New Year's in Scotland.

She continued: "I then added the tartan to the sleeves which allowed it to continue on other sections of the jersey. We had two different tartans for the jerseys: the referee jersey with its distinctive red colour, and the linesperson as the more monotone black and white."

The eight officials working games on Hogmanay loved their special jerseys, and we thank Erica for her amazing designs!


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