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Manchester Storm

34 Victoria Street
WA14 1ET
United Kingdom


Jersey Player name Position Age Weight Height
73 CANMatt Bissonnette Forward 33 - - Player profile
GBRSam Bryant Forward 27 - - Player profile
27 CANCody Cartier Forward 34 - - Player profile
40 USAMike Clemente Goaltender 35 - - Player profile
18 CANTaylor Dickin Forward 36 - - Player profile
26 CANDarian Dziurzynski Left wing 33 - - Player profile
10 CANDallas Ehrhardt Defenseman 32 102 kg 193 cm Player profile
4 GBRAdam Harding Forward 32 - - Player profile
GBRRhys Harding Forward 26 - - Player profile
71 CANMark Heatley Centre 40 - - Player profile
44 CANTrevor Johnson Defenseman 43 - - Player profile
90 NLDNardo Nagtzaam Forward 34 - - Player profile
29 CANEric Neilson Right wing 40 - - Player profile
70 GBRJake Nurse Forward 34 - - Player profile
2 CANOmar Pacha Defenseman 38 - - Player profile
42 USAPaul Phillips Defenseman 33 - - Player profile
GBR Jordan Powell Forward 32 - - Player profile
11 GBRJack Prince Forward 34 - - Player profile
80 GBRThomas Ratcliffe Forward 29 52 kg 160 cm Player profile
40 GBRDeclan Ryan Goaltender 31 - - Player profile
30 GBRPhil Spanswick Goaltender 32 - - Player profile
23 GBRPaul Swindlehurst Defenseman 31 94 kg 193 cm Player profile
81 CZEPatrik Valcak Left wing 40 - - Player profile
15 CANMario Valery-Trabucco Forward 38 - - Player profile
7 USAConnor Varley Defenseman 32 - - Player profile
1 GBRStephen Wilcock Goaltender 39 - - Player profile
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